United States Customs

You can use Corvedia’s Secure Easy connection to US Customs to send data to CBP and to receive cargo clearance status information from CBP. Both X12 and CAMIR data formats are available. Corvedia provides connections and data conversion for CBP messaging. Ports, Terminals and Secondary Notify Parties can use Corvedia’s CBP Release Check to check the release status of cargo. A detail history of all status messages is maintained. Accurate Release Counts are also maintained. Shipments may be searched for by Bill of Lading or Container. Connections to Canadian Customs, the Panama Canal and the South African Revenue Service are also available. Contact us to learn more.


Your people know your Business. Corvedia knows communications. Standard Internet Protocols, FTP, sFTP, FTPs, and AS2 require significant resources to implement and maintain. Free your people from implementing and maintaining Electronic Communions with your Trade Partners so they can focus on your Business.

One Secure Easy connection to Corvedia using the Secure Easy IM Client will enable Corvedia to connect you with all your Trade Partners World-wide regardless of the connection protocol they prefer. The result is reduced costs and increased productivity for you and for your Partners. Your Partners will have the option of using the Secure Easy IM Client. This will provide Stronger Security, Assured Delivery, robust message search capability and Web based Message Tracking with date/time stamps. Corvedia is expert at all Ocean Related Transaction Sets in both X12 and EDIFACT Standards. Our Any-to-Any Conversion enables us to quickly convert between the Standards and to convert from/to Standard Message Sets and flat files, XML, and spreadsheet files. Contact us to learn more.

Third Party Logistics

Secure Easy IM reduces the costs of on-boarding for both the customer and the 3PL’s. Installation and integration of the Secure Easy Client is fast and easy on all Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Linux and IBM AS/400. The Secure Easy Client establishes a secure, maintenance free Link to your company. Encryption is strong and automatic using a patented symmetric key exchange technique that does not require the maintenance of a key chain. Data exchange is in near real-time. Web-based tracking with send/receive date/time stamps is available for both Partners. Any-to-Any data conversion is available to convert between Standard Transaction Sets and flat files, XML files or Spreadsheets. Contact us to learn more.

TMS Providers

Secure Easy IM will simplify and reduce the costs for on-boarding and maintaining Secure EDI Partnerships for your customers. Secure Easy IM offers automatic encryption, easy implementation, maintenance free operation, AssuredDelivery and Web based tracking for all messages. Any-to-Any Conversion options. Contact us to learn more.


Secure Easy IM will connect you to your Shippers to receive Load Tenders (204’s) and to send back confirmations (990’s) and status updates (214’s). Electronic Invoices (210’s) will assure more rapid payment. If you are not EDI capable, Corvedia’s Load Tender and Invoicing Application will enable you to establish EDI Partnerships with your Carriers. Alternately, our Any-to-Any Conversion Service can integrate with your existing Systems to process incoming Load Tenders and to generate Status updates and Electronic Invoices. Spreadsheets. Contact us to learn more.

Ocean-Rail Integration

The timely and accurate exchange of related shipment and equipment data enables tight integration with each Trade Partner’s system. Corvedia’s Ocean-Rail Integration Application is available to enable each Partner to create or parse standard messages thereby simplifying integration. Standard Transaction sets 404’s, 417’s, 418’s and 322’s are supported. Contact us to learn more.

Warehouses and Distributers

Your IT Department knows your Business. Free it from wasting its resources on EDI and Trade Partner Communications and let it focus on your actual Business. Corvedia knows EDI and Trade Partner Communications. Together with your IT, we can improve your operations, reduce costs and grow your customer base. One Secure Easy Connection connects you to all your Trade Partners. Commonly used Trade Partner Communications Protocols, FTP, sFTP, FTPs, AS2 were not designed for EDI Communications. These protocols are difficult to establish and maintain. They do NOT provide for automatic encryption, do NOT provide Assured Delivery, do NOT provide for Web based tracking, do NOT have a message search function, do NOT provide for alternate routes around Internet outages and do NOT provide for real time data exchange. Corvedia’s Secure Easy IM, based on the purpose designed Eforward protocol, addresses all these issues and more. Your Company and your Trade Partners will all benefit from improved operations and reduced costs. Contact us to learn more.


Tight EDI integration with your Suppliers and Customers will improve operations, reduce costs and grow your customer base. (Learn More) Your IT Department knows your Business. Free it from wasting its resources on EDI and Trade Partner Communications and let it focus on your actual Business. Corvedia knows EDI and Trade Partner Communications. Corvedia understands the Supply Chain. Together with your IT, we can improve your operations, reduce costs and grow your customer base. One Secure Easy Connection connects you to all your Trade Partners. Commonly used Trade Partner Communications Protocols, FTP, sFTP, FTPs, AS2 were not designed for EDI Communications. These protocols are difficult to establish and maintain. Employing Secure Easy IM, your Company and your Trade Partners will all benefit from improved operations and reduced costs. Contact us to learn more.